Designing a new Bundling Experience for TELUS customers


This project aimed to create a new bundles overview page for TELUS customers in Quebec who want to bundle their mobile and home services and learn about TELUS Smart home offers. I was tasked with integrating the existing Quebec ‘Regrouper page’ contents into a new URL managed by a Toronto-based team.

Tools: Figma, Miro, Google Meet , Google Docs
Design Kits: Universal Design System for TELUS

Detailed task flow diagrams were created to better understand the existing Quebec Bundles experience in the region. We collaborated with various stakeholders from the Quebec TELUS Marketing team to understand KPI’s, email campaigns, and user demographics. I also conducted a deep dive into the bundling experience for Quebec customers to better understand the shortcomings of the current design.


Mapping the existing pain points


Performance of the previous QC Regrouper page was studied, after analytics were collected. These insights helped shape my understanding of the types of customers coming to this page, which would help me later with the content strategy and flow of the new experience.


Analytics overview

    Key Summary

  • Very low activity and poor engagement on the page

  • Many of the visitors were smart home customers and also new customers/prospect

  • No call data was being tracked

Competitive analysis was conducted to understand how other sites handled their bundles experience. This process allowed me to see common UX patterns across the telecom industry, and establish a starting point for the experience I was designing.


Competitive analysis

Expand below to see common UX patterns discovered.

Wireframes were designed to layout the page’s story , and to plan how the form would be integrated into the experience - we knew that new customers needed to fill in a request for callback form in order to connect with a TELUS agent.

Design (Figma)

Wireframing layouts

Prototypes were created of the new experience based on mockups you can view below. These were created only using feedback from our stakeholders and colleagues, but had yet to be put to the test by real usability testers. Prototypes were animated and linked using Figma, as per usual.

Design (figma)

Prototyping flows


Design mockups (pre-testing)

At the time of usability testing, the project scope involved only Quebec-native customers, as this was the key demographic who would be served the new TELUS bundles experience. We specifically tested with French-speaking clients to ensure that the translations of the copy were accurate, as we wanted to keep a French-first focus with this new design.


Key findings from usability testing


Final high-fidelity mockups

The designs went through more iterations after the usability tests were conducted, and after more rounds of stakeholder requirement changes. The bundles page scope grew larger to include all regions in Canada, rather than just Quebec, and so the final designs were re-worked to include more variations for regionalization, as well as incorporated user feedback. Unfortunately, this experience was never able to benefit from a new bundle builder experience due to funding.


Business benefits

  • data TBA.

Enhanced conversions

Improved Digital Experience

  • Consolidated digital experiences of QC Regrouper page and other regional pages to make a unified design and page layout for mobile and home bundling service.

  • Created a harder working M&H bundles landing page with more accurate and readable information and multiple pathways to begin bundling journey at TELUS.


Cravy App (UX/UI)


Unity Game World (3D/VR/Unity)